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Sites S.r.l.was founded in 1989 as a natural development of the activities performed by founders with a strong specialization in the installation of electrical systems, in 20 years has been able to diversify and expand its range now spans sectors such as automation, design, installation and maintenance of electrical-instrumental plant and mechanical plant.
A growing company, young and competitive, that bases its success on a solid know-how, on a national and international proven experience, on the attention on the constant technical innovation and personnel training.
The company can support services dedicated to the feasibility studies, planning studies as well as different product supply.
SITES S.r.l. is a company which has as its primary purpose the supply of products, package units and systems, complete plants used in the fields of energy production, oil & gas and petrochemical.
The main fields of activity of company are design, detail engineering and supply of equipment and complex systems intended primarily for the Oil & Gas, petrochemical and power production.
The technical staff of the company has a strong and consolidated experience in various sectors of activity and more specifically for mechanical processes, electrical, instrumentation and control.
Through these capabilities SITES S.r.l. is able to satisfy the specific demands of its clients, providing extensive guarantees of quality and functionality.


We build industrial automation systems with the help of most updated control equipment available on the market (PLC, DCS, SCADA systems).
We have made material handling equipment, production facilities and chemical storage systems, gas extraction systems, remote control systems, process plants.
We make all management software, related to both control (PLC and DCS) and supervisory systems. Software
The company has committed in staff training (especially in this area), in order to ensure high levels of technical preparation.
We are able to deal with your engineers to study the most appropriate solution to the automation of your production process.

control room
process plant control
scada data system
shutdown system

The organizational structure of the company shall be composed so that the various activities, be developed by specific sections dedicated, all in full compliance with ISO 9001 (Quality Assurance).
In addition, the service commissioning and after sales shall be developed by specific resource dedicated, all this processes are in full compliance with ISO 9001.
The professionalism of the staff is guaranteed by the attention given to the training and to the upgrading in stimulating human resources, because will not want to appeal to subcontracting, in the belief that the development and direct management of each resource is the secret that ensure a quality service.
The production can be divided into three main categories with annexes the specific services:


A SITES priority, for a responsible management of its activities, is the control of the danger for the people and for the environment, associated to the job. To reach this goal, the Company has implemented an integrated system for the management of the aspects related to Health, Safety and Environment and a Quality System ISO 9001.

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SiTES S.r.l.

Società Impianti Termotecnici Elettrici e Strumentali

Legal adress:

via Trento 82, 22070, Fenegrò (CO) – ITALY
Tel: (+39)  031 3520 081
Fax: (+39)  031 3520 863


via Milano 74, 22070, Bregnano (CO) – ITALY
Tel: (+39)  031 3520 081
Fax: (+39)  031 3520 863

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